2025 Team Official Applications - Appointments / Round 1 & 2 Vacancies
The appointment process for round 1 vacancies has concluded. Appointments and commiserations have been communicated to school principal's on the following dates
- Initial Round - Friday 4 October 2024
- Round 1 Vacancies - Tuesday 29 October
If you have yet to receive your appointment / commiseration letter please see your principal. The current appointments list can be found here
(DOCX, 73KB).
After the appointment process for round 1 vacancies there were a number of vacancies. The current vacancies list can be found here (DOCX, 60KB).
Applications for round 2 vacancies are now been called for. In order to apply, applicants must complete the SWSS team official application form (DOCX, 1371KB). Signed application forms (applicant and their line manager) must be submitted by COB Friday 7 February 2025. Appointments will be announced after this date.
Regional trial & state championship dates are required when completing the application. Please consult the Team Official Vacancies List (DOCX, 60KB) for this information.
For further information around team officials positions or assistance to complete the application form please contact the South West School Sport office.
The team officials handbook (PDF, 780KB) contains information for staff involved with regional teams as coaches, managers or trainers.