The region has introduced a regional trial permission form (PDF, 318KB) to assist schools and districts in ensuring that students have all necessary permissions and that contact details etc. are available. This form also allows for consistency across all schools and districts in the region.
Important: The Department of Education advised at the end of 2018 that the wearing of mouth guards for contact sports is compulsory. The Curriculum Activity Risk Assessments (CARA) documents for these sports state that mouth guards should be worn—department direction is that 'should' means 'must'! Students looking to participate in these sports who do not have a mouth guard will not be allowed to participate. The only exception is where a certified medical reason for not wearing a mouth guard is provided in writing.
NB: 2025 regional trial bulletins will be uploaded as they are made available by convenors.
DDSS 13 - 14 Years Girls Regional Trial Bulletin (DOCX, 130KB)
DDSS 15 - 19 Years Girls Regional Trial Bulletin (DOCX, 129KB)
SWSS 10 - 12 Years Regional Trial Bulletin (DOCX, 72KB)
SWSS 13 - 14 Years Boys Regional Trial Bulletin (DOCX, 64KB)
SWSS 15 - 19 Years Boys Regional Trial Bulletin (DOCX, 64KB)
DDSS Regional Trial Permission Form (PDF, 803KB)